Testing Accommodations
Contact Information
Spring 2025 Hours
In-Person Proctoring:
Monday – Thursday: 8 am – 4:30 pm
Remote Proctoring:
Monday – Thursday: 8 am – 4:30 pm
Friday: 8 am – 11:30 am
Testing accommodations are authorized by a Disability Support Services (DSS) Learning Disabilities Specialist/Counselor. If an instructor cannot provide the authorized accommodation, DSS may proctor the exam for the instructor. Both students and instructors must follow the respective procedures below in order to use the DSS Test Proctoring services.
Students who plan to take their test at the DSS Testing Center must first request their instructor letter and then schedule a testing appointment to initiate the process. Appointments should be made at least two business days in advance for all class tests and quizzes, except for final exams and any remaining end of the semester quizzes/exams. For final exams and any remaining end of the semester quizzes/exams, testing appointments must be scheduled at least two weeks in advance prior to the end of the semester. Be sure to check your class syllabus for final exam dates!
If a student does not adhere to the Testing Center guidelines listed below, they may have this service suspended.
Test Proctoring Services
In-Person Proctoring: In-person test proctoring is available by appointment in Room 842 during the posted hours. Complete the test proctoring request below to schedule an in-person test proctoring appointment.
NOTE: In-person test proctoring is for students enrolled in on-campus or hybrid courses, not online courses.
Remote Proctoring: Zoom test proctoring is available by appointment during the posted hours. Complete the test proctoring request below to schedule your remote testing appointment.
NOTE: Remote test proctoring is only available for non-asynchronous online courses.
Testing Center Guidelines
- To receive your approved testing accommodations, an instructor letter must be requested every semester. To test in the Disability Support Services (DSS) Testing Center, a testing appointment must be made online through the DSS website. In-person and phone appointments will not be accepted.
- Students are expected to schedule and take exams on the same day and time as the class. Extenuating circumstances (e.g., the class meets outside of DSS testing hours) should be arranged in advance with the instructor and DSS.
- All test appointments must be scheduled a minimum of 48 hours (2 business days) in advance of the test date. Please note that testing appointments for final exams and any remaining end of the semester quizzes/exams must be scheduled at least 2 weeks in advance prior to the end of the semester.
- For approved accommodations other than extra test time, arrangements must be made at least one week in advance (e.g. use of a private room, a computer, a scribe, use of pre-approved white noise/music during exam or to request a test in an alternate format).
- Once a test appointment is submitted online, an email notice will be sent to the instructor requesting provision of the quiz/exam to the DSS Testing Center. DSS staff will follow all instructions on this form as submitted by the professor.
- Please arrive/check-in at the Testing Center 5-10 minutes early so testing can begin on time. The scheduled end time for the exam will remain the same. DSS will not adjust or extend it.
- If an appointment is missed, it is the student’s responsibility to discuss any further test-taking options with the instructor.
- No Show Policy: No-showing 2 or more scheduled exams in a semester may result in loss of proctoring services from DSS for the remainder of that semester.
- DSS does not supply testing materials, so please come prepared (e.g. scantrons, pens, pencils, and calculators).
- No personal belongings are allowed in the testing area. Students must empty pockets and store all personal items, including cell phones and other electronics, wallets, keys, etc. in the provided lockers. Please do not bring items to the DSS Testing Center that cannot be stored in a locker. The Testing Center is not responsible for lost, stolen or misplaced personal items.
- All electronic devices are prohibited in the testing area including cell phones (simple digital non-smartwatches or analog watches are acceptable).
- No hats or other head coverings will be permitted during testing (medical and religious head coverings permitted, but subject to inspection). Student’s face and ears must be free of obstruction and observable.
- The DSS Testing Center is monitored at all times by a proctor, video and audio surveillance cameras.
- Academic Dishonesty is considered an inappropriate use of DSS services and is subject to suspension or termination of DSS accommodations. Academic dishonesty will be reported to the instructor and Director of Disability Support Services and shall be subject to disciplinary action per the Code of Student Conduct.
- Noncompliance with DSS policies and procedures could lead to suspension of Test Proctoring services.